About Deer
How many species of deer are there?
Anywhere between 29 (not including Schomburgk’s deer, which is thought to be extinct) and 180 species (counting all subspecies, including the ones that could be extinct).
However, the list given below agrees with all the different species of deer given in The Whitehead Encyclopaedia of Deer, by G. Kenneth Whitehead, which is generally considered to be the most comprehensive and authoritative books written on deer.
Axis deer (Chital) Axis axis (1 species, 2 subspecies).
Bawean (Kuhl’s) Axis kuhlii (1 species)
Brocket deer Mazama (4 species, 26 subspecies).
Calamian deer Axis calamianensis (1 species).
Eld’s deer (Brow-Antlered and Thamin) Cervus eldi (1 species, 3 subspecies).
Fallow deer Dama dama (1 species, 2 subspecies).
Hog deer Axis porcinus (1 species, 2 subspecies).
Huemul (Guemal) Hippcamelus (2 species).
Marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus (1 species)
Moose (European Elk) Alces alces (1 species, 6 subspecies).
Mule deer (Black-tailed) Odocoileus hemionus (1 species, 11 subspecies).
Muntjac (Barking) Muntiacus (6 (maybe 7) species, 17 subspecies).
Musk deer Moshus (3 species, 7 (maybe 8) subspecies).
Pampus deer Ozotoceros bezoarticus (1 species, 3 subspecies).
Pere David’s deer (Milu) Elaphurus davidianus (1 species).
Philippine spotted deer (Prince Alfred’s) Cervus alfredi (1 species).
Pudu deer Pudu (2 species, 2 subspecies).
Red deer (Bactrian, Hangul, Maral, Shou, Wallich’s and Yarkand) Cervus elaphus (1 species, 12 subspecies).
Reindeer (Caribou) Rangifer taradus (1 species, 9 subspecies (2 could be extinct)).
Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus (1 species, 3 subspecies).
Rusa deer Cervus timorensis (1 species, 6 subspecies).
Sambar Cervus unicolor (1 species, 15 subspecies (2 could be extinct)).
Schomburgk’s deer Cervus schomburgki (1 species, could be extinct)
Sika deer Cervus nippon (1 species, 13 subspecies).
Swamp deer (Barasingha) Cervus duvauceli (1 species, 2 subspecies).
Tufted deer Elaphodus cephalophus (1 species, 3 subspecies).
Wapiti (American elk) Cervus canadensis (1 species, 13 subspecies (2 could be extinct)).
Water-deer Hydropotes inermis (1 species, 2 subspecies).
White-tailed (Coues’) Odocoileus virginianus (1 species, 11 subspecies).
White-lipped deer (Thoroold’s) Cervus albirostris (1 species).